Why does data matter?

What goals has your school set for the next 3 years? How will you judge if you are meeting these goals? How are you using your data to improve student achievement over time? What additional data must be collected and why? The team at OC Data is dedicated to helping you answer all these questions and more.

Use your data to
make decisions with confidence.

With OC Data, schools are now equipped to make smarter decisions, and they are getting results! Data-driven decision-making by consistent data gathering and trend analysis, can help schools to understand if they are meeting their purpose and vision.

  • Progress snapshots

  • Fast response

  • Cloud-based data gathering

  • No coding needed

  • Scalable database storage

  • Powerful analysis tools


  • We do the number crunching
  • Simplify your data gathering
  • Easy to understand
  • Compare your previous data
  • Make better decisions
  • Improve student achievement

Where to begin?

Contact us today to find out how you can make data-driven decision-making the cornerstone of your school's improvement.

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